In the architectural glass industry, some terms are commonly used in abbreviated forms. The most frequently used abbreviations are listed below:

  • ESG: The abbreviation of the German word *Einscheibensicherheitsglas*, meaning tempered glass.
  • TVG: The abbreviation of the German word *Teilvorgespanntesglas*, meaning heat-strengthened glass.
  • VSG: The abbreviation of the German word *Verbundsicherheitsglas*, meaning laminated glass.
  • HST/FT: The abbreviation of the English term “Heat Soak Test/Fully Tempered,” used to describe fully tempered glass subjected to a heat soak test.
  • HS: The abbreviation of the English term “Heat Strengthened,” referring to heat-strengthened (semi-tempered) glass.
  • SGP/SGX: Refers to the Sentry Glas Plus interlayer, a product by the company Kuraray/Trosifol.
  • DGU: The abbreviation of the English term “Double Glazing Unit,” meaning a double-glazed insulation unit.
  • IG/IGU: The abbreviation of the English term “Insulating Glass,” referring to insulating glass. It is also used as IGU for double or triple glazed units.
  • KG: Unprocessed, cut edges. No edge processing is applied after the glass is cut.
  • KGS: The abbreviation of the German term *Kanten Gesäumt*, meaning ground edges. Only sharp edges are removed without altering the dimensions of the glass.
  • KGN: The abbreviation of the German term *Kanten Grau Geschliffen*, meaning matte straight beveled edges. The glass is sized to the specified dimensions, and the edges are matte with no unprocessed areas.
  • KPO: The abbreviation of the German term *Kanten Poliert*, referring to polished straight beveled edges. In addition to matte edging, the edges and bevels of the glass are polished smoothly.
  • PVB: The abbreviation of polyvinyl butyral, used as an interlayer to bond glass sheets in laminated glass production.
  • PU: The abbreviation of polyurethane, used as an exterior sealant in insulated glass production.
  • PS: The abbreviation of polysulfide, used as an exterior sealant in insulated glass production (also known as Thiokol).
  • AR: Anti-reflective glass, a type of coated glass with very low reflectance properties.
  • BR: The abbreviation of “Bullet Resistant,” used to describe bulletproof glass.
  • HT: The abbreviation of “Heat Treated,” referring to glass that has been or can be heat-strengthened or fully tempered.
  • SC: The abbreviation of “Shading Coefficient,” meaning shading coefficient. It is often used interchangeably with the solar factor but does not mean the same thing. The shading coefficient expresses the percentage of solar energy transmitted through the glass compared to 3mm clear glass and is calculated with a fixed formula. Shading Coefficient = Solar Factor / 0.87
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